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- 2.2 DLP 技术在高分辨率前照灯应用中的优势
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In this TI DLPLabs video, we will
describe some key advantagesof using DLP technology
for high-resolutionheadlight applications
and describe sometypical use cases.
DLP technology enablesincredibly high-resolution
headlight modules.
The automotive-qualifiedDLP5531-Q1 DMD,
or Digital Micromirror Device,has over 1 million pixels.
And there's nosacrifice to style
when the final lens height ofa DLP5531-Q1 headlight module
can remain under 40 millimeters.
A headlight module thatuses DLP technology
can be designed with LEDor laser illumination.
DLP technology has been provenover 20 years in markets
such as cinema andenterprise projection,
and now it'sautomotive-qualified
and in productionvehicles today.
What can a headlight dowith 1 million pixels?
One application is AdaptiveDriving Beam, or ADB.
ADB allows the high beamto remain on continuously
while shaping lightaround oncoming traffic.
DLP technology'shigh-resolution allows
precise illuminationcontrol, put light
exactly where it is neededso more of the high beam
can remain on at all timeswithout blinding oncoming
traffic or pedestrians.
More light can show driversand ADAS systems everything
in view, giving them more timeto react to changes if needed.
High resolution can also createsmooth, gradient transitions
in the light shape to avoidrapid, jerking motion of light
that can be seen inlow-resolution ADB options.
Use the full programmabilityof high-resolution headlights
to reinvent how vehiclesand drivers see at night.
Highly reflective road signs canglare drivers and oversaturate
camera sensors.
With high-resolutionDLP technology,
the headlight candim or turn off
pixels to avoid glarefor the driver or camera
while highlightingpedestrians, cyclists,
and obstacles to give the driverand ADAS systems time to react.
And ADB is only thebeginning of what
a high-resolutionheadlight can do.
Any custom content canbe displayed on the road.
This enables a new communicationchannel between the vehicle
and the driver.
Here, the headlights are usedto project lines indicating
a vehicle path and to show thevehicle width as it traverses
a narrow construction zone.
Lane marking can givedrivers and also other cars
more confidence to safelynavigate through hazards
by communicating intent.
Only the highest resolutionmakes symbol projection
Symbol projectionenables welcome messages
to the driver, differentiatedbranding, navigation, warnings,
and other vehicle-to-everything,or V2X, communication
to be conveyed on the road.
Here, an arrow and distanceare projected onto the road
to indicate wherea turn is located.
But how many pixels doesa headlight really need
to perform these functions?
To answer that, let's lookat the navigation symbol
that was projected onthe previous slide.
We can assume the headlightis mounted in the vehicle
approximately 60centimeters above the road.
The symbol is 2 meterslong and projected
at a distance of 10 meters.
Because of the steep anglethat this symbol is projected
on the ground, it actuallyfills less than 1 degree
of the headlights'entire field of view.
These images showthe flattened image
from the headlights'perspective.
In a typical design,the DLP5531-Q1 DMD
is able to use 50 to100 lines of pixels
to display this symbol due toits high pixels per degree,
depending on the optical design.
Other so-called high-resolutionheadlight technologies
struggle with too few pixelsfor this level of detail.
Click the links on this slideor immediately below this video
to learn more aboutDLP technology
in high-resolution headlights.
Our white paper, Trends inHigh-Resolution Headlamps,
provides more detailon headlight field
of view and resolution.
For more information,visit TI.com/DLP.
Thanks for watching.
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