This video provides an understanding of how the voltage regulator module (VRM) interacts with the printed circuit board planes and decoupling capacitors within a power distribution network (PDN). A well designed PDN provides optimum system performance while a poorly matched designed PDN can result in poor system performance. In the extreme case, rogue waves can occur within the PDN generating much higher voltage noise levels than expected, potentially interfering with system performance or resulting in permanent damage. Recommendations for keeping the impedance flat are also provided.
本视频介绍了电压调节器模块(VRM)如何与配电网络(PDN)内的印刷电路板平面和去耦电容相互作用。 精心设计的PDN可提供最佳的系统性能,而设计不良的PDN可能导致系统性能下降。 在极端的情况下,PDN内可能出现流氓波,产生比预期更高的电压噪声电平,可能会干扰系统性能或造成永久性损坏。 还提供了保持阻抗平坦的建议。