相关标签: SensorTile
The STEVAL-STLKT01V1 is a comprehensive development kit designed to support and expand the capabilities of the SensorTile and comes with a set of cradle boards enabling hardware scalability. The development kit simplifies prototyping, evaluation and development of innovative solutions. It is complemented with software, firmware libraries and tools, including a dedicated App.

The SensorTile is a tiny, square-shaped IoT module that packs powerful processing capabilities leveraging an 80 MHz STM32L476JGY microcontroller and Bluetooth low energy connectivity based on BlueNRG network processor as well as a wide spectrum of motion and environmental MEMS sensors, including a digital microphone.

SensorTile can fit snugly in your IoT hub or sensor network node and become the core of your solution.

Key Features

FCC (ID: S9NSTILE01) certified
IC (IC: 8976C-STILE01) certified with PMN: STEVAL-STLKT01V1; HVIN: STEVAL-STLCS01V1; HMN: STEVAL-STLCX01V1; FVIN: bluenrg_7_1_e_Mode_2-32MHz-XO32K_4M.img
Included in the development kit package:
SensorTile module (STEVAL-STLCS01V1) with STM32L476, LSM6DSM, LSM303AGR, LPS22HB, MP34DT04, BlueNRG-MS, BALF-NRG-01D3 and LD39115J18R
SensorTile expansion Cradle board equipped with audio DAC, USB port, STM32 Nucleo, Arduino UNO R3 and SWD connector
SensorTile Cradle with battery charger, humidity and temperature sensor, SD memory card slot, USB port and breakaway SWD connector
100 mAh Li-Ion battery
Plastic box for housing the SensorTile cradle and the battery
SWD programming cable
Software libraries and tools
STSW-STLKT01: SensorTile firmware package that supports sensors raw data streaming via USB, data logging on SDCard, audio acquisition and audio streaming. It includes low level drivers for all the on-board devices
BLUEMICROSYSTEM1 and BLUEMICROSYSTEM2: STM32Cube expansion software package, supporting different algorithms tailored to the on-board sensors
FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1 and FP-SNS-MOTENV1: STM32 ODE functional packs
ST BlueMS: iOS and Android demo Apps
BlueST-SDK: iOS and Android Software Development Kit
Compatible with STM32 ecosystem through STM32Cube support
SensorTile 开发套件入门,开发套件编程与调试
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